Onder het kopje 'support' vind u een serie van nieuw gepubliceerde artikelen, reviews en editorials:
Competitive match play tennis under heat stress
Coping with heat stress during match-play tennis
Fitness testing of tennis players
Heat research guides current practices in professional tennis
Heat stress does not exacerbate tennis-induced alternatives in physical performance
Hydration and thermal strain during tennis in heat
Neuromuscular adjustments of the knee extensors and plantar flexors following match-play tennis in the heat
Recovery interventions and strategies for improved tennis performance
Tennis in hot and cool conditions decreases the rapid muscle torque production capacity of the knee extensors but not of the plantar flexors
The development of fatigue during match-play tennis
The evolution and impact of science in tennis: eight advances for performance and health
The impact of match-play tennis in a hot environment on indirect markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status
Thermal, physiological and perceptual strain mediate alterations in match-play tennis under heat stress